
Providing Care your way

NDIS Assistance with Daily Life

Assistance with Daily Life, Community Access & social participation

Assistance with Daily Life is an NDIS support designed to assist with daily personal tasks to enable participants to live as independently as possible within their own home environment. This can include support with self-care, personal domestic activities, transport, and general household tasks.

Assistance with Community Access and Social Participation is an NDIS support designed to assist a participant to engage in social, community and recreational activities in a range of environments.

For more information about Assistance with Daily Life or with Social Participation and Community Access, please contact us.

Individual Living Options (ILO)

An Individualised Living Option (ILO) is an NDIS support that provides participants with the flexibility to set-up supports best suited to their needs, goals and preferences. Through ILO funding, a participant is able to choose how they want to live, where they want to live, and who they live with. For example, a participant can live alone, with a host family, or share a home with friends, roommates, or other NDIS participants with shared supports.

If you have specific housing needs that you would like to discuss, please contact us and we can help you to explore your ILO options.

NDIS ILO | NDIS Individual Living Options
Registered NDIS Provider

Short & Medium Term Accommodation

Short-Term Accommodation (STA), also known as respite, is an NDIS support that funds a short-term stay away from home for up to 28 days per year. This can be used for respite to support both participants and carers. STA may be used for:

  • Providing participants with the opportunity to develop new skills and friendships
  • Preparation to move out of home
  • Providing informal supports a break


Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) is transitional accommodation for NDIS participants who are preparing to move into a more permanent home. The NDIS funds MTA for eligible participants for up to 90 days.

For more information about our Short-Term and Medium-Term Accommodation options, please contact us.

Supported Independent Living (SIL)

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is an NDIS support that provides participant with in-home assistance to live independently in their home. This includes support with everyday tasks such as personal care, cooking and cleaning.

If you have specific housing needs you would like to discuss, please contact us and we can help you explore your SIL options. This includes the sourcing of suitable and affordable accommodation.

NDIS SIL | Supported Independent Living NDIS