Registered NDIS Provider

2 Key Benefits of Medium Term Accommodation

One of the primary NDIS services we offer at Path to Independence is Medium-Term Accommodation. This is a core home and living support funded by the NDIS to provide NDIS participants with a form of temporary accommodation without losing access to the support services they rely on. In this latest blog update from Path to Independence, our friendly team will be taking a closer look at 2 key benefits of medium-term accommodation.

What Is Medium-Term Accommodation?

Medium-term accommodation is a form of home and living support that is funded by the NDIS. Funding for medium-term accommodation is often provided by the NDIS to ensure that NDIS participants have somewhere to live if the disability supports are not ready for their long-term home. Medium-term accommodation isn’t a standalone support and is often funded as part of your other home and living support needs. Click here to find out more about medium-term accommodation on the NDIS website. You can also learn more about medium-term accommodation on the Path to Independence website by clicking here.

Who Is Eligible For Medium-Term Accommodation?

The NDIS may fund medium-term accommodation in a range of different circumstances, including:

  • Where NDIS participants are waiting for a vacancy for SIL (supported independent living)
  • Where someone living with a disability is having home modifications made
  • If a caregiver or family support isn’t currently available.

Medium-Term Accommodation Is Available For Up To 90 Days

One of the core benefits of medium-term accommodation is that it can be available for up to 90 days. This removes the stress from moving homes and provides NDIS participants with lots of time to get their new home ready to provide the support they need. Are you an NDIS participant needing accommodation for up to 90 days? Get in touch with the friendly team at Path to Independence today to get started.

Medium-Term Accommodation Provides The Support You Need

Moving to a new home can be stressful, especially for those living with a disability, but it doesn’t have to be. With Medium-Term Accommodation, NDIS participants are provided with the support services they need while waiting on their new home to be ready. This is a great option for any NDIS participant that relies on support services in their daily life.

Get In Touch With Path to Independence

Do you have questions about medium-term accommodation? Our team is always happy to answer any questions that you have. You can get in touch with us at Path to Independence by calling 1800 522 881 or emailing us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can also contact us through our website by clicking here.

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